LifterLMS Review: A Powerful Learning Management System

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LifterLMS review

Welcome to our comprehensive LifterLMS Review, where we delve into the features, functionalities, and benefits of this powerful learning management system. Whether you’re an educator, entrepreneur, or business owner looking to create and deliver online courses, LifterLMS offers a range of tools and capabilities to help you build a successful online learning platform. 

In this review, we will explore the key features that make LifterLMS stand out, including course creation, e-commerce functionality, student engagement tools, progress tracking, and more. Along with it, we will also include the perks and limitations of this learning management system. 

So, let’s check out an in-depth look at LifterLMS and discover how it can revolutionize your online course creation experience.

LifterLMS Overview

LifterLMS review

LifterLMS is a powerful and user-friendly learning management system (LMS) designed to help you create, sell, and deliver online courses. It provides the tools and features necessary to easily build and manage your online learning platform.

With LifterLMS, you can create engaging multimedia courses by incorporating various content types such as videos, quizzes, assignments, and more. The intuitive course builder allows you to organize your curriculum, track progress, and provide personalized learning experiences for your students.

Key Features of LifterLMS

Key features of LifterLMS

LifterLMS offers a wide range of features that empower your course creation and management for effective and efficient delivery. Here are the key features of LifterLMS:

Rapid and User-Friendly Course Creation

LifterLMS is a powerful course builder that provides you with the features to create engaging multimedia courses within just a few minutes. Besides, it offers the best UX by ensuring a user-friendly interface. 

Drip Content Delivery:

This LMS has the option to set drip content management. This means you can make your content available over time. You can schedule the content and forget. These will be available to your audience at your scheduled time. Therefore, you can secure your content and make them available at the right time.

Setting Prerequisite:

Sometimes, you might have to lock some courses to ensure attendees are properly going through those courses or not. In such cases, setting prerequisites or locking some courses which will be unlocked after completing the previous course is essential. In LifterLMS, you will have a feature to set prerequisites.

Quiz Timer:

Course creators need to set timers for quizzes to make their audience complete a test within a certain time. Thanks to LifterLMS, now you can set timers for your quizzes.

Student Dashboard:

LifterLMS has the option to set up a front-end student dashboard which helps course creators monitor the activity and progress of their students over time.

Import and Export:

One-click course import and export option is also available in LifterLMS for fast migration, licensing, etc. Therefore, you can transfer courses from one site to another within seconds without facing any obstacles. 

Collecting Course Reviews: 

Due to the robust features of LifterLMS, you can collect reviews from your students or participants for showcasing those on your website. This helps to establish credibility for your business.


Gamification of LifterLMS

LifterLMS includes gamification features to make learning more enjoyable and motivating. You can award badges, certificates, and points based on the completion of course modules, quizzes, or achievements. This gamified approach encourages learners to stay motivated and complete their courses.

E-commerce Functionality: 

With LifterLMS, you can monetize your courses and generate revenue. You can set up flexible pricing options, create membership levels, offer subscriptions, and sell course bundles. It seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways, making it convenient for you to accept payments.


LifterLMS integrates with various third-party tools, such as email marketing platforms, CRM systems, and content delivery networks. This allows you to extend the functionality of your online learning platform and integrate it with your existing workflow.

Setting Personalized Emails:

You can send personalized emails to the individual attendee which include custom courses using this leading LMS. This boosts the involvement of your participants. Besides, you can also observe the behavior of individuals.

One-to-One Coaching:

LifterLMS allows you to offer one-to-one private classes or courses so that you can give special treatment to your particular participants.

Content Protection:

You can now protect your content by setting a password and restricting access. Besides, you can also ensure course protection by making them available only for enrolled students. Furthermore, it has the option to make courses available for certain people.

Exclusive Support: 

LifterLMS ensures to offer the best support system to their clients. You can seek live support, free training, demo course, documentation, resources, etc from the LifterLMS support system. They are always ready to solve the problem you’re struggling with. 

Perks of LifterLMS

LifterLMS brings and extends a plethora of advantages for both course creators and learners. Here are the main perks of using this learning management system:

  • It supports offering multimedia lessons, including videos, audio, images, texts, etc.
  • LifterLMS has the option to create dynamic multimedia quizzes along with a timer that extremely helps attendees. 
  • Content dripping is also possible using LifterLMS.
  • You can easily track, review, import, and export courses.
  • It supports all the popular payment gateways along with it, you can set recurring and one-time payments for establishing a comprehensive eLearning platform. 
  • LifterLMS offers gamification features such as badges, certificates, and achievements, which can motivate learners and enhance their engagement.
  • With LifterLMS, you can facilitate learners by offering one-to-one learning opportunities. 
  • You can create restricted courses or content and make them available for a certain group of people.
  • It comes with the feature of creating private groups for course-related discussion. 
  • LifterLMS has integration with all the popular tools for payments, email marketing, CRM, and so on.

Limitations of LifterLMS

Where LifterLMS offers various opportunities, it also includes some limitations. Here are the limitations of using this LMS software:

  • LifterLMS can cross your budget if you want to use multiple add-ons with it.
  • It has addon dependency where you need to use various add-ons to extend its functionalities.

Packages & Plans

Plans of LifterLMS

LifterLMS has three paid plans, including Earth, Universe, and Infinity bundle. Besides, a free LifterLMS plan or plugin is also available in the WordPress plugin directory. Here are the plans that are available in LifterLMS:

  • Earth Bundle: $199/ yr.
  • Universe Bundle: $360/ yr.
  • Infinity Bundle: $1200/ yr.

Lastly, you can ask for the LifterLMS demo which will cost only $1, and test all the premium features for 30 days. This LifterLMS demo will allow you to identify whether you should go for their premium packages or not. 

Wrap Up

LifterLMS proves to be an exceptional learning management system that empowers course creators, educators, and businesses to deliver high-quality online courses with ease. Throughout this LifterLMS review, we have explored its key features and functionalities, highlighting its course creation tools, e-commerce capabilities, student engagement features, progress tracking, and analytics.

So, go through its features, perks, and limitations which lead you to decide whether it’s an appropriate LMS plugin to build your eLearning platform or not.

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